For the very first time I have now been to three wargaming
shows in a year and SELWG will be my
last of the year.
SELWG was once again at the Crystal Palace Sports Centre and
on a sunny and windy autumn day I arrived at about 11 am. The entry fee was
once again just £6 and picking up my programme I set off, as I usually do to visit
the trade stands and the Bring & Buy stand. Here there seemed to be quite a
lot of people taking a good look at what was on offer, so I went away and
returned later when the crowds had died down a bit. One thing that was a bit
sad was to see where the Harfield stand used to be a empty space
where once they traded on the concourse.
Main Hall |
Down in the main hall, there seemed to be more people at the
show than last year and the trade stands were very busy. I was hoping to pick
up a box of the “Waterloo 1815 French Dragoons
on Foot” that are now on sale but no such luck. having a look around there were no stands selling any HaT figures this year which was a great
shame. Again this year there seemed to be more traders selling 28mm figures
than 20mm but that is down to today’s trends I guess. Traders selling terrain
is also dropping off as more and more wargamers are now making their own. So
although I did take some war funds with me, there seemed to be nothing that I fancied.
So back to the Bring & Buy stand to see if I could have a better look. There
was a lot on offer here from figures and tanks to terrain and books, but
nothing for me this time. The show seemed to be better than last years but
there were a few traders and wargaming clubs missing in the space’s that were
around. Still this could, I hope, change for next year’s show. I left the show
at 2 pm. for home on a fantastic sunny autumn day.
Gravesend Wargames Club - WWII |
Loughton Strike Force - Napoleonic's |
Redoubt Enterprises - ACW
Deal Wargaming Society - WWII |