Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Birthday Goodies

Well my Birthday has been and gone and I have a few more pieces to add to my wargaming collection from Birthday presents.
First up top left hand corner of picture is five packets of bases from “Products for Warganers”. I might get round to basing my figures one day. Some more “4Ground” Mature orchard trees. To add to the other packet I got last year at SELWG to make two small or one large orchard. Again from “4G” a laser cut Corduroy Bridge in 15mm. This is so my bridges are not all to one scale. From “Debris of War”, two packets of medium hedges. These really do look great and I hope to use these as my orchard boundaries. I thank my family for the presents although I was with them when they got them at SELWG. 

Sunday, 22 October 2017

SELWG 17 Report

For the very first time I have now been to three wargaming shows in a year and SELWG will be my last of the year.
SELWG was once again at the Crystal Palace Sports Centre and on a sunny and windy autumn day I arrived at about 11 am. The entry fee was once again just £6 and picking up my programme I set off, as I usually do to visit the trade stands and the Bring & Buy stand. Here there seemed to be quite a lot of people taking a good look at what was on offer, so I went away and returned later when the crowds had died down a bit. One thing that was a bit sad was to see where the Harfield stand used to be a empty space where once they traded on the concourse. 

Main Hall
Down in the main hall, there seemed to be more people at the show than last year and the trade stands were very busy. I was hoping to pick up a box of the “Waterloo 1815 French Dragoons on Foot” that are now on sale but no such luck. having a look around there were no stands selling any HaT figures this year which was a great shame. Again this year there seemed to be more traders selling 28mm figures than 20mm but that is down to today’s trends I guess. Traders selling terrain is also dropping off as more and more wargamers are now making their own. So although I did take some war funds with me, there seemed to be nothing that I fancied. So back to the Bring & Buy stand to see if I could have a better look. There was a lot on offer here from figures and tanks to terrain and books, but nothing for me this time. The show seemed to be better than last years but there were a few traders and wargaming clubs missing in the space’s that were around. Still this could, I hope, change for next year’s show. I left the show at 2 pm. for home on a fantastic sunny autumn day.

Gravesend Wargames Club - WWII

Loughton Strike Force - Napoleonic's

Redoubt Enterprises - ACW

Deal Wargaming Society - WWII

Thursday, 12 October 2017

New Figures at last

I have just seen the good news that the Waterloo 1815 "French Dragoons on Foot" are now out, although their official web site has no news on them?
There are a total of four spurs with 13 poses on each giving you a total of 52 figures. But they are priced at £10.99 UK pounds. A little expensive but they do look very good and I hope to pick up a box at SELWG next week.