Well as we near another end of year, once again my output for painting figures is a big fat ZERO. That is now three years without producing any painted figures. I thought that going back to wargaming shows would jump me back into the hobby this year, but no.
Although I have odds and ends that just need that little push to finish them I have seemed to have lost interest in them. Even with the news that HaT could be back up and running next year, sort of got me a bit excited, but It could be another year before there are any new Napoleonic figures are out to get me jumping for joy once again.
But I shall sort myself out next year and try to get these figures done that have been sitting around for years now. Still have loads of things to put on this blog but once again they need just finishing off a final read over. So I hope that things will improve at my end, so that for the people that have taken a look at my blog. Want to thank my fan club in Singapore that shot my view figures through the roof. Last year I had just under 92,000 views this year we are up to 108,000+. I would also like to thank my few followers for sticking with me.
So where ever you are in the world I would like to say, I hope that you have a very