Saturday, 15 February 2025

Horses finished at last


Here is my last patch of the Scots Greys horses which bringing the total to 23. It’s been quite a challenged to pick up the brush again since late October. I really admire the work that people put in to their model figures on here, but these will do just fine for me being a solo player. I can now concentrate on the first batch of 6 troopers which are nearly done, so still very much WIP but well over due.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Happy New Year from the General


I would like to wish my followers and all wargamers around the world a very 

Happy New Year.

Well yet another year has been and gone in a flash once again, so I hope that I can finally sit down now and start to paint once again, as I have said before, that some of my figures just need finishing off. 

I hope once again to go to some wargaming shows over the year and really hope, that we will start to see some more production of new figures coming out from HaT.