Saturday 24 December 2022

Merry Christmas From the General


This year it has been yet another very difficult one for me, as I once again have lost my painting mojo.

With the war still going on in the Ukraine and now it seems that HaT in America have given up producing any new figures, my armies and my hobby seems to be dead at this point, as there is nothing to look forward too. I should consider on go to a wargame show next year as I have not been to one since 2019. I would love to start doing a campaign at home, but my house is too small to do so. 

After doing so well in 2020 with my painting it all came to a halt in August of that year. I did start painting my British 2nd Dragoons (Scots Greys) and I am near finishing nine horses with twelve troopers. But they have remained on my painting table for such a long time now I wonder if I will ever finish them. I have also failed to do anything on my blog this year but hope to do somethings for next year once again. So many thanks for those who take a look at my blog now and again. I have had a total of 91842 page views to date which is fantastic, well for me anyway. 

I would like to thank you all for looking at the Generals blog and so I do hope that you all have a lovely time over the Christmas period and I would like to wish you and your family