Monday, 16 September 2019

Skirmish 2019 - Anglo Boer War Special

I decided to go back to the Skirmish Show on Sunday for my second wargame show of the year.
Leaving home in some very nice autumn sun I jump on the bus to Sidcup. I arrived at the Chislehurst & Sidcup School just before ten, which is a bit early than I normal do here. I took a bit of spending money from the war chest in hope that something might catch my eye this time round.  The entry fee remained at just £4 which is really good for a small show like this.
Once I had payed and given my free raffle ticket, I made my way straight to the big selection of plastic figures in the reception area. Here I brought two HaT boxes of figures. They were the “French in Greatcoats” and a box of the “Married Zulus”.
In the main hall the lack of people visiting was very apparent but is might be down to the hot weather and everyone having their last BBQ. There seemed to be more trade stands here than in previous shows. Although it was mainly figures, there was a good selection of second hand books as well.
On the main stage once again a collection of military equipment from the Boer War and it was very impressive collection. On into the gaming hall there were just five tables of gaming which was a bit of a disappointment. The Bring and Buy tables was quite packed with goodies.

Out of the five games, I have picked three of them to show you.

Skirmish Wargames "Mexican Revolt"

Old Guard "Spanish Civil War"

Milton Hundred Wargames Club "Conflict In Kent 1941"


  1. We missed each other once again! Numbers were definitely down on both Traders and games, which was a shame.

    1. Hi Ray yes what a shame that we did not see each other but perhaps at SELWG this year? It's a shame that a little show like that does not bring in the crowd.

    2. Indeed. Is it me or does it get smaller each show?

  2. Well I have been going for a while now and numbers have certainly dropped as with the number of wargames on display.
