Monday, 15 April 2024

What a Great Shame

Just saw this today on Facebook and it’s very sad for everyone that usually goes, that SELWG 2024 has been cancelled. It seems that the show has struggled to attract traders for the last few years now, and to increase attendee numbers. But they are saying that they might be running a smaller event in the future (next year earliest), so hopefully this isn’t the end of the SELWG Shows. I must admit that I have only been to the Lee Valley Centre once and that was last year. Not as good or big as when they had it at Crystal Palace. Lets hope that they will move it back to south of the river next year.


  1. That is sad news, I always enjoyed SELWG. I hope they can get something up and running in future. A reminder to support shows and traders where possible - 'use it or lose it'..

    1. You are so right Dave, been going to SELWG for years and have only missed a couple.
